Our Children. Our Future

A community event to create a children and young people’s plan for Lambeth

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Our Children. Our Future

If you could change the future life chances of children and young people in Lambeth. How would you do it?

We are developing an ambitious action plan to bring together all services and sections of the community to create a better Lambeth for our most important residents!

Best place to grow up

In fact, we want Lambeth to be the best place in the world for children and young people to grow up!

Sounds ambitious?

We think it’s entirely possible, but we can’t do this without your help, energy, and ideas.

Come and have your say

Please come to an important community event on July 12, at the Hideaway, 5.30 – 8.30pm where together we will identify the issues, ambitions, and actions we need to take to make a big impact on our children’s future, health, happiness, safety and the opportunities available to them.

Interactive and fun workshop

The community workshop will be fun, interactive, and thought-provoking. There will be inspiring speakers, performances to reflect the living experiences of our young people, discussion and voting using some new technology, as well as a chance to meet decision makers and key services.

Free food and refreshments will be available from 5.30pm and the workshop starts promptly at 6pm.

Book your free tickets

Free to attend but tickets are limited so book now via Eventbrite

Or email Deborah Aremu on daremu@lambeth.gov.uk

Find the Hideaway

2 Empire Mews Stanthorpe Road, Streatham SW16 2ED

Directions to the Hideaway.