What is the Love Lambeth Air project?
Lambeth council, in partnership with Mapping for Change, is providing diffusion tubes to residents and businesses to measure nitrogen dioxide outside their home or office.
How long is the project?
We want to monitor nitrogen dioxide from October 2016 until April 2017.
What will I do?
Every month you will change the diffusion tube outside your home or office and return the old tube to Mapping for Change. There is also an app available for residents and businesses to record relevant details about the location and local conditions.
What will happen to the old tube?
Mapping for Change will send the tube to the lab for analysis and the results will be made available on the Mapping for Change website.
Is there any other help?
At the start of the project there will be a workshop to explain how a diffusion tube works and a demonstration of how to change the tube each month. There will be another workshop six months later to discuss the monitoring results. Both workshops will also include a discussion on ways to help improve air quality and also reduce personal exposure.
How do I join?
Please email lovelambethair@mappingforchange.org.uk by 14 October 2016 and tell us
- The address where you want to locate a diffusion tube and whether it is your home or where you work,
- Problems and concerns with air quality in this location and why you would like to carry out the monitoring,
- Your ideas to improve air quality in your local area
When will I find out if my application to join the project has been successful?
We will contact everyone who has applied by 17 October 2016. Even if you aren’t given diffusion tubes, you will still be welcome at our workshops to discuss ways to help improve air quality and reduce your personal exposure.