Lambeth council are in charge of the majority of roads in the borough, apart from the major “red” routes into and around London, which are controlled by Transport for London.
As well as all council controlled roads becoming 20mph, TfL plans to introduce the same limit on roads it manages in the borough from April, including Brixton town centre, Clapham High Street and Stamford Street.
Why are we introducing the new speed limit?
Driving slower on residential roads has been proven to reduce traffic accidents, making the urban environment safer, not only for drivers but for pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists, which make up 80 per cent of serious and fatal collisions.
It can also lead to an improved flow of traffic through junctions and a reduction in noise levels and fuel consumption.
How can I find out more about the changes?
To find out more about the new speed limit, its benefits and which roads will be affected please visit the 20mph pages on our website.
We totally approve of the 20mph speed limit but not the speed humps on the grounds that they contribute to London’s pollution because of all the accelerating and de-accelerating that they cause.
about time. Half way up sherwood avenue i regulary see cars zooming past at well over 50 mph. A speed camera should be fitted in order to obtain real results.
I have been living on Hillside Rd (SW2) for a number of years now. I have noticed in time that this once a quiet road it has increasingly become a major communication node as a shortcut of the South Circular to cut directly into the Streatham Area. This includes buses and lorrys. More than all the problem is that the road is used by road runners in rush hours speeding up sometime to 60mph which is totally unbelievable considering is also a school’s area. Please in the light of the new road regulation regulations installation of speed traps/speed cameras should be considered as to prevent fatal road accidents especially on an already 20mph road. Please help prevent accidents.