The Lambeth Adult Learning Service, which is part of the council, boosts opportunity, widens participation and promotes social and economic inclusion across the borough.
It commissions around 500 accredited and community learning courses each year which are taught at 150 community venues across the borough. Topics covered include family learning, health and well-being, digital skills, English for speakers of other languages, English, mathematics, pre-employment training and employability skills
The short inspection of the Lambeth Adult Learning Service took place in the last week of October this year. The report was published on December 18, and concluded the service continues to be a good provider.
The Ofsted report noted that managers at the service design and deliver a “relevant community learning programme that meets the needs of adults from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds”.
Word from the Cabinet
Cllr Jacqui Dyer, co-Cabinet Member for Jobs, Skills and Community Safety, said: “I welcome this Ofsted finding which highlights the valuable work being done in this area to promote, foster and support adult learning across the borough.
“It is designed to help people who are new to learning, with no or low levels of qualifications, and those that are furthest from the job market. This Ofsted inspection outcome emphases how important this service is in boosting people’s skills and creating new opportunities their lives.”
Partners involved in running the education sessions are Morley College, High Trees, Spires, Training Associates and the London Learning Consortium. At the time of the inspection there were already around 630 residents enrolled on courses. In the previous academic year, more than 3,200 learners studied with Lambeth Adult Learning Service.
For more information visit www.lambeth.gov.uk/schools-and-education/lambeth-education/adult-education-guide