Revitalising Brixton’s Rec Quarter will transform the current basement, ground and mezzanine level spaces under the swimming pools into modern, fully accessible workspace that makes the most of The Rec’s unique architecture such as the waffle ceilings and internal features.
Investment by the council, the Mayor’s Good Growth Fund and Stride is opening up this new space to be used for first time since the Rec was built.
Councillor Jacqui Dyer, deputy leader for Inclusive Economy and Equalities, said: “I am delighted that work is going to begin on Revitalising Brixton Rec Quarter so we realise our ambitions to create more opportunities for Lambeth residents.
“The workspace will be available at affordable rents to local organisations who can show they can add real value to Brixton and the borough as a whole.
“We want to support organisations who want to make a positive change but can often struggle to find secure workspace they can afford.”
This is part of the wider ‘Revitalising Brixton Rec Quarter’ project where £2.17m in funding from the Mayor of London’s Good Growth Fund and match funding from the Council will also see significant investment into the external, public areas of the Rec including new lighting and signage, the Rec’s shop units, Brixton Station Road and Beehive Place.
Other activities in the Brixton Rec will be unaffected by the creation of the new space.
The space is separated from the leisure centre and activities taking place there will not be affected by the changes. If the works at any stage are likely to cause minor disruption in the area, this will be publicised in advance.
Artworks displayed in Beehive Place will be removed and returned to the Small World Urbanism community in order for the works to be completed.
New windows will be added looking out onto Beehive Place and from the Rec’s ramp access into the new workspace, creating a visual connection between the leisure centre and the new space.
The council is looking for potential tenants, especially valued local organisations, to lease the space, providing organisations with secure, affordable space to create a base to sustain and build their activities supporting and enabling local residents.
A provisional agreement has been reached with one longstanding Brixton organisation to take on part of the space.
The council is looking for potential tenants, especially valued local organisations, to lease the space, providing organisations with secure, affordable space to create a base to sustain and build their activities supporting and enabling local residents.
The intention is to create two units with shared facilities, with two anchor organisations occupying and managing the space. These lead tenants will need to demonstrate that they can pay affordable rents, deliver social value and create opportunities for local people, and secure funding to fit out the space.
This major investment comes as Lambeth Council is preparing to take over the running of Brixton Rec and other leisure centres from Greenwich Leisure Limited (GLL) in Spring 2023, which will bring further investment.
Cllr Dyer added: “We will make the public areas more pleasant both inside and outside The Rec with new windows, lighting and signage. Improvements to shops and shopfronts will make it even more appealing for people to visit.
“The Rec plays and important role in many people’s lives and we will work with our contractors to minimise disruption while the building work is underway.”