Young people, whose respiratory and cardiovascular functions are still developing in teenage years and into their early twenties, are among groups which are most vulnerable to air pollution.
What is required
We are looking for creative, fun, innovative projects which will engage young people and empower them to protect themselves from air pollution and to minimise their own contribution by making healthy lifestyle choices.
Can you help answer
Why bother with air pollution? How do we know when and where air quality is not up to scratch? How can I protect myself? How can I and my family find cleaner air routes to where we’re going? Is walking or cycling better than sitting in a car? Do plants and trees help? Successful projects will answer all these questions, and more.
Who can apply?
Any youth organisation working with young people aged 14-19 (or up to 21 if not in employment, education or training) who live, work or study in Lambeth.
How to apply?
To receive an application pack or if you would like to discuss your ideas please email Tom from The Young Lambeth Co-op at tom.cunningham@younglambethcoop.co.uk or come along to our drop-in information session on;
Date: Wednesday 1 August
Time: 2pm to 4pm
Location: Young Lambeth Cooperative’s offices in Brixton Tate Library, Room B/008, Brixton Oval, SW2 1JQ.
The deadline for applications is Monday 20 August 2018. Winners will be announced in the first week of September and we’ll be sure to tell you about their projects here on Love Lambeth.