There are a number of ways you can help reduce your exposure to air pollution and avoid pollution hotspots by planning your journeys.
Sign up for free airTEXT Alerts And Forecasts
airTEXT is a free service for the public, providing air quality alerts and 3-day forecasts of air quality, pollen, UV and temperature across Greater London.
There are many ways to get updates:
- Download the free airTEXT smart phone app, available for Android or Apple.
- Sign up for free email air quality alerts.
- Register for free airTEXT air quality alerts by text message or voicemail.
- Follow @airtext_LAMBETH on Twitter and Lambeth RSS air quality alerts.
Alternatively, you can view the air quality maps online.
Planning your journey
Londonair is the website of the London Air Quality Network (LAQN) and shows air pollution in London and south-east England.
The London Air website shows current pollution levels in detail across London in comparison with the Government’s Air Pollution Index.
It is created by combining readings taken within the last hour and air pollution modelling in London.
You can zoom into the map to see which areas are experiencing higher pollution levels than others, and plan your journey accordingly.
Other services
Low pollution walking routes help to limit personal exposure by avoiding high pollution roads and walking down back roads.
The Cross River Partnership clean air walking route tool helps identify low pollution walking and cycling routes.
If you’re going outside of London, The Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) provide Pollution forecasts covering the whole of the UK and can also be searched by postcode or favourite location.
Try before you bike
Taking advantage of Lambeth’s Try Before You Bike scheme is a great way to reduce your pollution exposure. Cyclists are exposed to 5 times less pollution than those in cars and receive the health benefits that come with active travel.