Lambeth Council has a goal to build 1000 new homes at Council rents. Space for them will be made on five regeneration estates and by rebuilding on ‘infill’ locations.
From Victorian to 21st century
The regeneration of Akerman Road has created three new 7-person family homes, along with 6 flats in the renovated 2-storey Victorian villa. All nine new homes have now been let at affordable council rents.
Warm homes…
The first new homes built directly by Lambeth Council in 10 years feature quality homes designed and constructed to the rigorous Passivhaus energy-saving standard. This will mean low heating bills, excellent ventilation and air quality, and spacious day-lit rooms.
… and housewarming
Councillor Matthew Bennett, Cabinet Member for Housing, formally handed over front door keys and a housewarming bouquet on Friday 24 March.
One resident who is moving from a flat in Streatham to a family sized home, says: “I think it will bring us together as a family instead of feeling like we’re all on top of one another. It just seems like a perfect family home – each one of the rooms felt like a perfect fit for one of the family. When we arrived for the viewing it looked like it was going to be an old house inside, with the draughts and the noise like we have now. We loved the vibe, so clean and fresh. They explained all the eco features. I kept thinking the heating was on, it was so modern, light and warm in the house. I’m glad the kids will have Myatt’s Fields so near – running round in places where me and my husband used to at their age. I feel like I’ve been through a lot of experiences and I’m coming full circle home.”
Meeting the need
A resident of one of the flats in the converted Victorian villa says: “London is becoming unaffordable for so many people, I hope the Council can build many more like this for people in Lambeth. I’m already getting a real sense of community here, talking to my neighbours and planning to do some gardening together.”