We’re inviting people of all ages to send the Council original videos, paintings, drawings, photographs or music. Share personal experiences or insights about autism and how it impacts the lives of autistic people or those around them – parents, carers, medical professionals, teachers, partners, friends, lovers, work colleagues.
Also welcome: poetry, stories, and other creative expressions. Or mixed media – you can record yourself reading a poem or paint round words – as long as it can be emailed.
Entry date
If you or someone you know has made artwork about autism or feel inspired to create something new, submit your work by midnight on 31 March. We look forward to showcasing the Lambeth community’s perspectives on Autism.
All-age Autism Strategy
Lambeth Council and local NHS partners aim to improve services and support for autistic people. We are consulting on proposals to develop a new All-Age Autism Strategy to be launched in 2023.
We are seeking views from people including autistic people, their families, and professionals working in the field on 6 key areas from the National Autism Strategy plus 1 local priority. Closing date is the same as for artwork, March 31. Share your views on the strategy by completing our online survey or at one an online event
Send us your art
- Contribute your artwork, please email your video, picture, or music by 11.59 pm on Friday 31 March
- Your artwork may be featured in the strategy. We encourage artists to submit their work in a shareable digital format. We recommend standard formats such as MP4, JPEG, or PDF saved at manageable file sizes.
- Please include your name (or the artist’s name if you are submitting work on their behalf) and any information you would like to share – age, location, or any relevant background information.
- We will acknowledge all submissions and inform you if your work has been selected for inclusion in the All-Age Autism Strategy. We may also use selected artwork for promotional purposes, but we will seek your permission before doing so. Please note that we cannot guarantee the return of any physical artwork submitted.