The move is part of Lambeth’s drive for cleaner and safer streets, and in response to residents’ concerns about littering and other enviro-crimes.
Picking up litter costs the council a huge amount. Recent research from Keep Britain Tidy suggests that it costs around £1bn per year to clean up the country’s streets – that cost is picked up by local authorities such as Lambeth.
Word from the Cabinet
Lambeth’s cabinet member for Environment and Transport, Cllr Jennifer Brathwaite, said: “We all have a responsibility in keeping Lambeth as a great place to live.
“Our residents want to live in a clean and pleasant borough and their primary concern is environmental quality. The small minority who drop litter, spit or allow their dog to foul on the pavement are simply ruining the environment for the vast majority of law-abiding, responsible residents.
“We won’t stand for it, and we are introducing a new team to crack down on these enviro-crimes. Our new officers can be easily spotted and they will be quick to fine people they see polluting our environment in this way. These on-the-spot fines will make offenders think twice about doing it again and protect our streets for our more responsible residents.
“Cleaning up after people costs us a huge amount of money, which is much needed in other services during this time of financial pressure.”
Partnership with NSL
The new enforcement team is provided by experienced contractors NSL Ltd at zero cost to the council.
The new contract is for an initial period of a year, with the possibility of a two year extension. The initiative will demonstrate that Lambeth Council takes a friendly, yet zero-tolerance approach, to environmental crimes and wants to encourage residents to act responsibly and set an example to others.
The new officers will be based in International House, working alongside the Community Safety service that is already provided by the council.
NSL’s Executive Director for Local Government, Mark Hoskin said: “The vast majority of people are supportive of any action to ensure that the place where they live and work is clean and safe.
“This new enforcement programme will help us to address the irresponsible and inconsiderate actions of the small minority which can so easily blight town centres. We will be applying our wide-ranging experience to provide the Council with an efficient and cost-effective resource that harnesses the latest developments in enforcement technologies to help minimise environmental offences in the borough.”