Throughout April there will be a host of events to help raise awareness and to improve the understanding of autism.
Lambeth Autism Fayre
The National Autistic Society – Lambeth branch, have teamed up with Institute of imagination and kick off Autism April awareness month with the 2018 Lambeth Autism Fayre on Saturday 7 April at 10am, which includes a range of activities and stalls for everyone to enjoy, professional speakers and much more.
The event will be in celebration of World April Autism Awareness Month bringing a range of local and national organisations together in supporting the needs of autistic people and their families.
With over 36 service providers, mini seminars, demonstrations, Wheels for Wellbeing, opportunity to speak with a professional and sensory products to purchase on the day. There also will be a silent disco hosted by Movementworks a disco without speakers. All are welcome to attend a family day out. Everybody is welcome to attend this free event, all you need to do is turn up on the day.
Location: The Workshop, 26 Lambeth High Street, SE1 7AG.
Join us at our AGM
On the 27 April the National Autistic Society, will be holding their annual general meeting which includes a talk from guest speaker Elaine Halligan, director of The Parent Practice.
Location: Omnibus Theatre, 1 Clapham Common North side, SW4 0QW.
Please book your place at the AGM via Eventbrite to avoid missing out.
Check out event info at the National Autistic Annual General Meeting.
Find out more by visiting the National Autistic Society website.