A number of schools in Lambeth are closed today, due to the problems caused by snow.
A list of those that have already announced closures is below, but this will be updated here throughout the day.
For further information about arrangements for individual schools, please contact the school directly, or see its website.
School Closures for Wednesday, 28 February 2018
Primary Schools
- Iqra
- Kings Avenue
- Lark Hall
- St Saviour’s
- Sudbourne
Secondary Schools
- The London Nautical School
Partial Closures
School Name
- Sunnyhill – Primary school is open, but nursery is closed.
- Platanos College – Open to Year 11 pupils only; closed to all other pupils
SEND travel
Special Education Needs & Disability (SEND) service, travel support: no minibuses were available to Elm Court special school this morning. All others are open, although many taxis haven’t been able to run.
Street sweeping and gritting
All street sweeping and litter picking has been suspended and replaced by snow clearing and gritting.
All priority roads were gritted from 3am this morning, and all refuse and recycling crews are out as normal. However collections may be affected by snow in some areas, and in these cases collections will take place tomorrow and scheduled collections caught up over the weekend if necessary.
Other buildings
Carnegie Library in Herne Hill is closed today due to heating issues.