The borough’s new Be the Difference campaign coincides with the national Foster Care Fortnight which begins today, Monday 10 May. Being a foster parent means caring for someone else’s child as part of your family.
The Be the Difference campaign video features quotes from local children and young people sharing some of the things their carers do to make a difference in their lives. From the hobbies and interests they help them with, to the times they were there for them, or the values and life lessons they’ve imparted.
Merlin Joseph, Director for Children’s Services, said: “It’s hard to truly convey the impact that carers make every day to the next generation in Lambeth. We hope our campaign will get people thinking about what it takes to be a foster carer and consider whether you can be that person for someone too.
“As it’s Foster Care Fortnight, we also want to thank our carers who continue to do an incredible job, especially over the last year during the pandemic. Their commitment to provide the best care, home school and access the support their children need has been amazing.”
Cllr Ed Davie, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, said: “There’s nothing more fulfilling than developing a relationship with a child and watching them grow. Members of my family have fostered children and it’s transformed everyone’s lives for the better.
“It’s so important we find more local carers for local children. That’s why we’re appealing to as many people as possible to step forwards and be the difference to a Lambeth child.”
Watch out on social media for more messages from our leaders, foster carers and young people throughout the next couple of weeks.
Find out more about fostering
For Fostering Fortnight we’re running an event at 7pm on Thursday 20 May. Register here.
We welcome applications from everyone with a passion for children. You just need to be over 21, have a spare room and permanent UK residency.
Why foster for Lambeth?
We have a generous support package for carers, including excellent rates of pay, council tax relief for Lambeth residents, 24-7 out of hours emergency support, ongoing training, mentoring, social events and more. See what else makes Lambeth special.
Lambeth’s new Foster Care Charter
We’re passionate about providing outstanding services in partnership with foster carers. That’s why we’ve developed the Lambeth Foster Care Charter – our commitment as corporate parents to children who are looked after, foster carers and the fostering service. Read the Lambeth Foster Carer Charter.
Get involved
We need your support. Help us by sharing our ‘Be the Difference’ campaign assets on social media, email and your website.