Lambeth Council’s has partnered with Beam a service that raises money to support those experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless so that they can find stable work. Beam also supports people with funding for items such as job training, equipment, childcare and travel costs.
Support for residents
The partnership has come at a time when many households have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Across the country, many people have lost their jobs and are now at risk of becoming homeless.
Journey into employment
Lambeth residents using Beam’s service also gets a dedicated caseworker from Beam who will support them on their journey into employment. On top of that, each person’s crowdfunding campaign is supported by about 200 + people, who leave messages of encouragement when they donate.
Beam has had a number of success stories with Lambeth residents which you can read about on the Beam website.
Beam has also partnered with employers from a number of different sectors so that they can match job opportunities with people who need them the most. As part of this process, Beam provides support with job applications and interview preparation.
Apply now
We want to promote and encourage any resident of Lambeth who meets the criteria below, and who wants to get back into employment to apply.
The criteria needed to make a referral:
- You are a Lambeth resident
- You would like to get into stable employment
- You are currently homeless
- OR you were homeless in the past 12 months
- OR you are at risk of homelessness
- OR you are in temporary accommodation
- OR you are sofa surfing
If you are a Lambeth resident and would like to refer yourself to Beam, please visit Beam’s website.