‘West Norwood Cemetery: A New Beginning’ is a project to conserve the cemetery’s environment and historic monuments and offer more to visitors and the community. Our Open Day on July 1 is a chance to catch up with the project before we bid for the money to do the work.
Learning materials
We’re developing an activities programme to support volunteering and learning as well as designing digital and interpretation materials – making it easier for people to explore the stories of the many famous names found there – such as Mrs Isabella Beeton, Sir Henry Doulton, Baron Julius Reuters and Sir Henry Tate.
Open Day
Part of the project’s development phase is an Open Day on July 1 – a day of events including Mindful Photography workshop, tours, short talks and displays for all ages and interests, which will run alongside the ever-successful West Norwood FEAST. Come and find out more about our plans for the cemetery. It’s free from 11am to 4pm.
Bid for funding
We have already had extensive specialist survey works and public consultation to develop our proposals. In 2016 a grant of £241,000 was awarded to Lambeth Council, in partnership with the Friends of West Norwood Cemetery. We will present our final bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund in August.
For more information
West Norwood Cemetery
One of the ‘Magnificent Seven’ London cemeteries developed in response to overcrowding in London churchyards, the South Metropolitan (West Norwood) Cemetery was laid out in a garden or pleasure ground style and opened in 1837.
New Beginning Project
For more about the ‘New Beginning’ project, visit the project’s information pages. Sign up for the project newsletter and keep up to date with our designs and proposals and how you can get involved and share your views.
To see the report on public consultation and support for our plans published in November 2017 please visit Lambeth’s information pages
Friends of West Norwood Cemetery
To contact the Friends of West Norwood Cemetery, see their information and news pages
Maintaining the cemetery grounds
The Activities Coordinator is currently recruiting new volunteers to join our existing team. Sign up via the ‘New Beginning’ project website.