Lambeth Council are pleased once again to be a part of the Big London Energy Switch, providing residents the chance to switch energy providers and save money on their gas and electricity bills. If you missed out last time, here’s what you need to know and information on how to register.
The more people who join, the better the deal is likely to be
23 councils across London have started a collective energy switching scheme, called the Big London Energy Switch, which aims to make it easy for you to switch to a better energy deal, and helps you to see if you could save money on your gas and electricity bills.
Previous schemes have achieved savings of £50 to £200 a year on energy bills per household, but your actual savings are of course dependent on your current energy tariff and how much energy you use. Anyone who pays a household energy bill can take part, including customers on prepayment meters.
How to sign up
The fastest way to register is online at the Big London Energy Switch website or you can call them on 020 7926 1000.
What happens next?
Once the deadline to register closes on the 13 October, the participating councils collaboratively negotiate with energy suppliers through an auction process with the aim of getting a better deal for everyone who registered. There is no obligation to sign up to a new provider, so you have nothing to lose by registering.
How it works
- 13 October – Deadline for residents to register.
- 14 October – The auction starts and the company offering the cheapest deal on the day gets to offer you a new contract.
- 24 October – Chosen company will send you a letter explaining the offered prices and showing if you will save money.
You choose whether you wish to accept the offer to change gas and electric tariffs.
- 24 November – If you wish to accept the offer, you must sign up by this date.
The energy supplier will then complete your switch and send you a welcome pack.