In October 2017, Black History Month celebrates 30 years. Celebrate history, arts, literature, film, activities for children and young people in all of Lambeth’s libraries throughout October.
Cllr Sonia Winifred, Cabinet Member for Equalities and Culture says
“I am delighted to invite you to this year’s Black History Month celebrations, which will be running throughout October in Lambeth. Last year people told us how inspiring and uplifting they found the events and this year’s programme is just as exciting.
Something for everyone
There is something for everyone to enjoy and it is a wonderful opportunity to learn about and celebrate African and Caribbean culture and heritage which enriches all our lives.
Join us
Lambeth Libraries have teamed up with Pegasus Opera, Rhythm & Views Festival, Age UK Lambeth and the Black Cultural Archives, along with many individual artists and writers, to provide a fantastic month. I hope you will be able to join us.”
For more information
For full details of the month’s events day by day, contact Lambeth Libraries. You can download a copy of the 24-page brochure.
Pick up a copy from your local library
Contact the Lambeth service centre by email or phone 020 7926 1000
For more details of London-wide and national news about Black History Month see the BHM information pages.
For details of Black Cultural History Month events in Lambeth for young people see the Black Cultural History Month young people’s events page