Incredible Edible Lambeth and Lambeth Council want to highlight and celebrate all the amazing growers around the borough. We’ve endured a year of limited access to community spaces – now’s the time to get back out there. We’re excited to open the call for your nominations for 2021’s Blooming Lambeth Awards – the amazing work that’s going on to green up the borough, bring people together, and improve our wellbeing.
Word from the Mayor
Cllr Annie Gallop, Mayor of Lambeth, said: “The Blooming Lambeth Awards are a chance for every grower in the borough to be recognised for their contribution to making Lambeth a better place to live. Do you know – or grow – a garden providing healthy food, offering outdoor education, encouraging biodiversity, showing imagination as a growing space. or more?”
Nomination details
- Nominations must include: the name/description of the project, location (including postcode), a contact name and email, 3-5 really good photographs (or videos, depending on the category) and an explanation of why the garden/project has been nominated (forms are all online) – we’re looking for gardens and gardeners that inspire people!
- You can nominate yourself or another garden but please don’t ask multiple people to nominate you. Nominations aren’t ‘votes’ and don’t change the results.
- Deadline for all nominations is 30 June 2021.
More information
This is the fifth year that Incredible Edible Lambeth has run this event in its present guise. Winners will be announced at the Blooming Lambeth Awards celebration evening (virtual or real!) in October. We receive financial support for this event from Lambeth Council
Award categories
Find full details of the eight categories and how to nominate for each one.
Prize details
This year there will be First Prizes of £150 and Highly Commended at £75. Find details of last year’s winners.
More information
Incredible Edible Lambeth is a network of around 120 group members – mostly community gardeners – and 500 individual members – food growers, food entrepreneurs and food activists who are all working to improve our communities. IEL exists to re-localise the food system in Lambeth so that it nurtures us and strengthens our communities. We do this by bringing in resources and funding, running programmes and services and advocating for our members and a more localised food system. Find a map of IEL member growing projects.
Find Incredible Edible Lambeth on Twitter: @ediblelambeth, Facebook: @incredible-edible-lambeth and Instagram: @incredibleediblelambeth