The ‘Blooming Lambeth’ awards for best gardens ‘Anywhere Else’ but in a park were shared by a hospital’s rehabilitation garden, the first mindfulness garden to be created on a fire station roof, and a shop run by local volunteers that brings the community together.
Amputee Rehabilitation Garden
At the start of this year we constructed a new rehabilitation garden for wheelchair and amputee rehabilitation use. The new garden is helping patients develop functional skills, improve dynamic balance, improve mental health and put salad and home grown vegetables on the menu.
Brixton Fire Station Mindfulness Garden
What was once a grey flat roof has been transformed into the UK Fire Service’s first ever Mindfulness Garden. We won the London Fire Brigade Best in Bloom competition in 2017.
Community shop
West Norwood’s community shop grows local and tropical vegetables, herbs, fruit and flowers in this wildlife-friendly garden. All produce is harvested and cooked on site so volunteers enjoy free nutritious, organic, zero-carbon meals weekly. The garden also functions as a space that brings people together and helps build friendships. It is very much at the heart of the work that the Community Shop does – building stronger individuals and more confident communities.
Representing Lambeth Council
The Mayor of Lambeth, Cllr Chris Wellbelove, represented the Council at the Awards ceremony, presenting all the prizewinners with their awards and £100 to invest in their garden.
For more information
- Incredible Edible Lambeth is an inclusive networking organisation, working to support local food growing, food entrepreneurs and food activism. Contact us and champion local, healthy and sustainable food for all. Membership is free! If you eat, you’re in!
- Contact the Community Shop by email; contact Lambeth Community Care Centre, Contact Brixton Fire Station