Bus Days are designed to give children and young people with special needs (and other vulnerable potential passengers) extra confidence to enable them to travel independently and to make full use of London’s bus network.
What happens on Bus Day?
The monthly sessions take place on a moving red London double-decker bus and feature scenarios covering personal and road safety. Passengers meet the driver and ticket inspectors, and have the chance to practise coping with issues like what to do if:
- a stranger tries to get your attention
- people start arguing or fighting on the bus
- you get lost
- you get into trouble on the bus
- you witness a crime.
The actors on the bus are plain clothes police officers helping make these scenarios more realistic – although officers in uniform are there too. We also deliver a road safety message.
Who’s it for?
Most people who come to Bus Days are from Lambeth schools – mainstream primary, and secondary schools as well as SEN schools. But we also welcome adults with special needs and are thinking of offering a Bus Day for older, perhaps isolated people in Lambeth who have lost confidence in travelling independently.
When’s the next Bus Day coming along?
Bus Day sessions are on the last Wednesday of every month with a choice of morning or afternoon. The next Bus Day is May 31. Our last Bus Day before the school summer holidays is 28tJune.
Bus days were set up in partnership with the Metropolitan Police Safer Transport Team, the bus company Arriva, and Transport for London’s Travel Mentoring Service. The police provide us with a team of about 8 officers for the day, Arriva provide the bus and driver, and we have two Travel Mentors from TfL to lead the sessions, plus the time of the RPI Inspectors who come on the bus..
To book a place on Bus Day on May 31 contact Met Police Safer Neighbourhood Team
To find out more about June 28 Phone: 020 7926 0332 or E-mail:lcheyne@lambeth.gov.uk