Known locally as ‘Kenny’ the iconic 1970s bowl was one of the first of its type in the UK, and its Radical Banking design was unique to the UK at time of opening. It was designed by Lorne Edwards and based on ideas he got from visiting US skateparks.
Working closely with The Friends of Kennington Park, local skaters and expert advisers, the council now hopes to bring the bowl back into use as it has fallen into disrepair over the years.
Cllr Sonia Winifred, Lambeth’s Cabinet member for Equalities and Culture, said: “Lambeth has a large and enthusiastic skateboarding community with famous parks in use at Stockwell and on the South Bank. This is an exciting project that we are working closely on with I’m sure will be welcomed by the community.”
Over the years the ground beneath the bowl has moved causing breaks to appear in the skating surface and its adjustable support mechanism are also in need of maintenance. In recent weeks work has been sensitively carried out to start the project, while preserving the bowl’s original surface.
A structural engineer has been onsite assessing the condition of the adjustable supports whose overall condition is good for their age, however they are currently locked solid and solutions to this issue are currently being developed.
Restoring the stakebowl to its original condition is the first phase of the work. Phase Two aims to make the bowl more accessible, replacing the stepped access with a ramp and creating viewing platforms for those wanting to watch.
The council aims to complete Phase 1 by the Summer of this year and then to start Phase 2 in the Autumn.