After last year’s successful first festival, Ovalhouse Theatre again features unique theatrical experiences in everyday locations across Brixton. Brixton will be Ovalhouse’s permanent new home in 2020.
Day by Day and Night by Night
Thursday 21 September
The festival begins in our own backyard (Ovalhouse Car Park) as Gerrard Winstanley’s True and Righteous Mobile Incitement Unit (South London’s premier gay socialist folk band (probably)) kick us off with a rousing theatre/gig exploring the history of protest in England.
Friday 22 September
The Mobile Incitement Unit moves to our FESTIVALS HUB in Atlantic Road where you can join in their radical protest workshops and catch another theatre/gig, while A Rhyming Guide to Radical Brixton invites you walk through Brixton with street poet, Co-leader of the Save Brixton Arches campaign and founder of the Our Brixton community group, Potent Whisper.
Saturday 23 September
We showcase the best of Brixton’s young musical talent with Raw Material before Brixton’s own Lara Lee (aka FLOetic Lara and SUPA4) returns to fill Windrush Square with smooth soul sounds with her Wonders of Brixton.
Two more chances Saturday afternoon to go on A Rhyming Gude to Radical Brixton with Potent Whisper, and at 6pm you can join Inua Ellams on The Midnight Run, a six-hour walking, arts-filled, night-time cultural journey through the streets of Brixton commemorating 30 Years of Black History Month. There have been Midnight Runs in Paris, Rome, Berlin, Barcelona, Perth, Auckland to name a few. (First 20 tickets are free).
Sunday 24 September
Take a secret journey through the streets of Brixton with an immersive spoken word show from a stellar all-female team, All the Journeys I Never Took; take part in our spectacular hula-hooping roller-disco with Marawa’s Amazing Majorettes or catch Bootworks pop-up karaoke with puppets, props, great hits and bad wigs on their mobile Jukeboxes.
For more information
You can find all events, times and booking details on Brixton City festival Events pages
Each show also has its own information page.
- Gerrard Winstanley’s True and Righteous Mobile Incitement Unit
- A Rhyming Guide to Radical Brixton
- The Midnight Run
- Wonders of Brixton
- All the Journeys I Never Took
- Marawa the Amazing
- Bootworks mobile Jukeboxes