The council’s Stage 1 Monitoring Report has now been published online using data collected since the launch of the Brixton Hill LTN trial in September 2023.
The report shows that Brixton Hill LTN is meeting the strategic objectives of the Climate Action Plan, Transport Strategy and is in line with the Lambeth 2030 Borough Plan by reducing the levels of traffic within the LTN area and boundary roads when considered together.
Before and after traffic data has been collected to assess the impact of the trial LTN and it shows that:
- There has been an average 58% decrease in traffic within the LTN
- There has been a 6% increase in traffic on boundary roads. Overall, there has been a 4% net reduction in traffic.
- The number of vehicles traveling over the speed limit within the LTN has reduced by an average of 83%.
Following the feedback from residents and businesses, the council will be making some changes within the LTN.
The council will install new bins in the kerbside to alleviate clutter, introduce more planters to make the area more pleasant and will increase parking enforcement after complaints by those who need parking spaces.
The council will also be planting and replacing trees in New Park Road and installing strengthened protections for them as dangerous driving has destroyed many of the existing stock.
Cllr Rezina Chowdhury, cabinet member for Sustainable Lambeth and Clean Air, said: “The LTNs have been introduced to our London borough to make the areas safer, more sustainable and so that residents can live happier, healthier lives.
“Brixton Hill, as with all our other LTN trials, shows that LTNs are traffic reduction schemes. When you give people conditions for safe walking and cycling, they leave their car at home.
“The council has a rolling programme of LTNs, with other areas of the borough set to start benefitting from them soon.”