The Brixton Street Market Masterplan & Action Plan was commissioned to identify key opportunities to continue improving the street markets in Brixton, retain the offer to its loyal and long-standing customer base and also adapt to attract new customers.
The document sets out a vision for the future of the town’s famous street markets, which was developed through engagement with traders, shoppers and local residents, as well as a team of market experts and architects. The document sets out the findings, alongside a masterplan and action plan to guide future investment.
While an enormous amount of work has already been undertaken since the initial development work for the Strategy, including the improvement works to Electric Avenue market, this document sets out the basis for further work necessary to keep the momentum going for the continued improvement of Brixton markets. It sets out a clear evidence base and captures the tangible and deliverable next steps.
Have your say
This consultation provides traders, adjacent retailers, shoppers and the wider local community with the opportunity to comment on the report and its conclusions, but more importantly to have your say on the interventions set out within the Masterplan and the Action Plan before they are finalised. It is also the opportunity to tell us if anything is missing from the document.
View the Brixton Street Market Strategy.
You can find more information and submit your comments via our short survey here.
The consultation closes on 19 October 2018.