As a result, and subject to planning and licensing, Brockwell Park will only host Field Day and the council organised Lambeth Country Show this summer.
Cllr Sonia Winifred, Cabinet Member for Equalities and Culture, said: “We have engaged with residents, local businesses and other parties. Based on the resulting evaluation we have determined that two new major commercial events and the Lambeth Country Show this summer would be excessive.
“There has been concern raised by some residents and some councillors in relation to the number of events proposed for this summer. These views were carefully considered before this decision was made.”
Lambeth council will now work with the organisers of Field Day and The Mighty Hoopla which is proposed for June 1, June 2, June 3 to ensure they will be able to deliver a safe event.
The organisers have agreed to cut the number attendees, and to work with the local schools and communities on creating work experience and internship opportunities for residents. The event is still subject to statutory licensing and planning applications during which people will be able to comment further.
Cllr Winifred said: “We have listened and taken on board what residents have said. The experience and insight we have gained through our engagement process will be fed into our events strategy which is subject to annual review.”