Join us on Saturday 22 September to celebrate Car Free Day with a Harvest Feastival on Clapham Common.
Making a greener space
Working in partnership with Bandstand Beds and Clapham Common Management Advisory Committee (CCMAC), Lambeth’s Sustainable Transport Team will be closing Windmill Drive, which is so often a rat run for traffic through a beautiful green space, and using the area for fun and entertainment.
Greener, safer
Simon Millson, Chair of CCMAC, said: “The closure of Windmill Drive has long been a goal of the Masterplan for Clapham Common. It’ll be a great pleasure to see how this would look for real, even if it is for just an afternoon, as people of all backgrounds come together to enjoy a feast and the freedom of doing so without motorised traffic. We’re all in favour of a greener, safer Clapham Common.”
Word from the Cabinet
Cllr. Claire Holland Cabinet Member for the Environment and Clean Air said: “Bandstand Beds’ Annual Feast is a celebration of community and healthier living. CCMAC wanted to showcase sustainable transport, safety and cleaner air. We were happy to support a car-free day.”
Harvest Feast and fun
Bandstand Beds will be holding their annual Harvest Feast in the Community Garden and selling fresh home-grown produce, pickles and jams.
- We will have a bike zone with cargo, electric and adapted bike try outs, Dr Bike, a bike market to buy a bike or bring a disused one to sell, and pedal powered smoothies.
- The road will be alive with activities and entertainment including a pedal powered PA system with singing and spoken word, hula hooping, storytelling and ping pong.
- Beside the wildflower haven created this summer by CCMAC, we will have a bugs and beasties workshops and a petting zoo where you can make friends with some unusual animals.
- The event will be a celebration of sustainable, active travel, food-growing and nature and will showcase how you can make better travel choices and support wildlife.
- Walk or bring your bike and join us for a day of fun and exploration from 12-5pm.
More information
- Follow the Sustainable Travel Team on Facebook
- Bandstand Beds are a community garden, sustained by dedicated volunteers, aiming to get their hands dirty, get outside, grow vegetables and have a good time while providing an area for the local community to discover the joys and benefits of growing and cooking their own food. See our information pages; follow us on facebook. For more about Harvest Feastival email
- The Clapham Common Management Advisory Committee (CCMAC) is the community group working with Lambeth Council to run Clapham Common. See their information pages