About the Care Act
- it improves rights for carers, including the right to have an assessment of support needs, even if the person that they care for does not have eligible needs.
- it improves and clarifies the duty to promote people’s wellbeing (both adults and carers) when providing support.
- it provides a greater clarity about safeguarding responsibilities, and how the local authority and partners must work to protect the vulnerable.
- it introduces a requirement for local authorities to give information and advice to self funders who previously might not have contacted the council.
Care and support
‘Care and support’ is the term used to describe the help some adults need to live as well as possible with any illness or disability they may have. It can include help with things like getting out of bed, washing, dressing, getting to work, cooking meals, eating, seeing friends, caring for families and being part of the community.
It might also include emotional support at a time of difficulty and stress, helping people who are caring for an adult family member or friend or even giving others a lift to a social event.
Care and support includes the help given by family and friends, as well as any provided by the council or other organisations.
Your wellbeing
Many of us will need care and support at some point in our lives and most people will pay at least something towards the cost of their care. The new national changes are designed to help you plan for the future and put you more in control of the help you receive. Any decisions about your care and support will consider your wellbeing and what is important to you and your family, so you can stay healthy and remain independent for longer.
If you receive care and support, or you support someone as a carer, you could benefit from the changes.
You could benefit from the changes if you:
- receive care and support
- support someone as a carer
- are planning for future care and support.
What is changing?
In April 2015, we will be introducing:
- A new national level of care and support needs to make care and support more consistent across the country
- New support for carers.
2016 changes
These will protect people with the highest needs from facing unlimited costs, and provide more financial support to people with modest means. Changes include:
- A lifetime cap on care costs
- Extended financial support.
To find out more visit our website.
I am looking for a list of services being offered to adults with a learning disability in Lambeth. My son Conor has Down’s syndrome and I am his sole caree. Is there anywhere I can look for such a list
Hi Christina
I would recommend contacting our Social Care and Support teams who will be able to help you http://www.lambeth.gov.uk/social-support-and-health/contact-the-social-care-and-support-teams
We do also have a day care guide with a list of centres on our website at http://www.lambeth.gov.uk/social-support-and-health/social-care-and-support/day-care-guide.
Additionally, charities such as Lambeth Mencap may be able to advise too http://www.lambethmencap.org.uk/