Service design involves looking at how services are delivered from the point of view of the user, then planning and organizing people, infrastructure, communication and material to improve the quality of the service and the interaction between the service provider and its customers.
Directing calls
MA students at the London Communications College, Elephant and Castle, have been working (supported by their tutors) in close collaboration with Lambeth Adult Social Care, Age UK Lambeth and local communities to develop ideas on how phone calls into Adult Social Care could be screened so that all callers get put through to the best place to help them.
Showcasing Service Design
If you’re a Lambeth carer or Adult Social Care service user, please book your free place through Eventbrite and come to the event on Tuesday, 5th June 2.30 – 4.30pm, Lambeth Town Hall, room 1.16. Refreshments will be provided. The students will be showing a film and talking about case studies for designing strength-based screening tools and a self-management approach that can contribute to building closer links with the Lambeth community and voluntary sector. The aim is to support a more preventative approach to Adult Social Care.
For more information
- For details of the Service Design MA course, see London College of Communication’s information page
- To sign up for the LCC newsletter send an online request
- Follow the MA course on Twitter