Over 18,000 people in Lambeth provide unpaid care for a friend or family member who, due to illness, disability, mental health, or addiction, cannot cope without support. They might ‘care’ in all sorts of ways – helping with personal care, practical tasks at home, managing finances, administering medicine, attending appointments, providing emotional support and more.
It often takes carers a long time to recognise what they do is more than just ‘what anyone would do’. The Carers UK 2022 State of Caring report found that over half of UK carers take over a year to recognise their caring role; and a third take over three years. This means carers often miss out on essential information about their rights, entitlements and available support.
Help from the Hub
However big or small your caring role, help is available. Local charity Carers’ Hub Lambeth spoke to carers about how support – for instance peer support – makes a difference: “The Peer Support Groups are a lifeline. Everyone there has walked the same road. They’re all unpaid carers for family members with mental health challenges, so, when I attend these sessions, I recognize myself in their exhaustion, in their struggles, in their wins.”
The Carer’s Hub supports unpaid carers aged 5 upwards offering 1-to-1 support, peer support groups, social and wellbeing activities, and training opportunities. If you are a young carer or adult carer we would love to hear from you.
How can you help?
This Carers Week, help raise awareness:
- On social media? Share the new video from Carers’ Hub featuring local carers talking about the support they receive and what more can be done to recognise carers.
- Do you work or volunteer in Lambeth? Find out more about unpaid carers, the challenges they face and the connection role you can play at our online Carer Awareness session on Friday 9 June at 11 am via Eventbrite.
- Are you a local business? Could you support unpaid carers by offering a discount for carers who hold the Lambeth Carers Card? Find out how, contact MYsocial on members@mysocial.london
- Show your support by saying “I CARE” this Carers Week. Find full details of the Carers Week 2023 report too.
- Interested in finding out more about Carers Hub? See their web pages, call 020 7501 8970 or email connect@carershub.org.uk. Or visit to the Connect Lambeth stall at Lambeth Country Show and chat to a member of the Carers’ Hub team.