All posts in News and announcements The latest news and announcements from Lambeth council and our partners.
Get Inspired at London’s first Black Health Inequalities Summit Inspire’s London Black Health Inequalities Summit will feature speakers and advocates with expertise in addressing health inequality within Black communities.
Statement: Corrosive substance thrown in Clapham Lambeth Council is carrying out community reassurance work in the wake of this shocking incident.
Celebrate LGBTQ+ History Month with Lambeth Libraries Lambeth Libraries are working with community partners including Lambeth Links, Art Exhibition, Thriving Stockwell, and Lambeth Together to celebrate LGBTQ+ History Month.
Listening and learning for London’s Mental Health Day Lambeth celebrated this year’s London Mental Health Day with a practical session on active listening, empathy and signposting.
National HIV Testing Week: Do you know your status? For National HIV Testing Week, 5-11 February, as well as offering free confidential testing at Lambeth sexual health centres, GPs will include an HIV screen on any blood test.
Lambeth: New fly tipping crackdown Illegally dumped commercial and household waste will be investigated by the team before it is cleared away
Lambeth Council takes zero tolerance approach to vandalism Lambeth Council has warned it will prosecute vandals who target traffic enforcement infrastructure after a spate of incidents that have cost the taxpayer thousands of pounds in repairs.
Lambeth left out of pocket by Government funding deal Services in Lambeth will face further savings over the next few years because the Government’s funding deal fell far short of the fair settlement demanded by councils across the...