All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Lambeth urges government to help schools The new Government has been warned that falling pupil numbers could “critically weaken the quality of education” in Lambeth, if nothing is done to tackle key policies including the...
Lambeth: Tackling fly-tipping in our communities The council is determined to tackle the issue head on because fly-tipping is a blight on our communities as well... More »
Lambeth LGBTQ+ changemakers : Rob Berkeley “Each One Teach One” was a key strategy among enslaved Africans passing on skills and information in the fight for liberation in the USA. It still inspires people today.
Lambeth LGBTQ+ changemakers: Clare Truscott From volunteering to organise the entertainment at Pride in the face of Clause 28 to raising awareness of how older LGBTQ+ people still face prejudice, Clare Truscott has always...
Your Summer Special Lambeth Talk News Magazine Your 24-page Lambeth Talk summer special features an interview with Lambeth’s youngest-ever Mayor, details of Lambeth’s summer food and activities clubs for schoolkids, and more about what’s happening for...
Lambeth: International classes for newly arrived pupils Young people from asylum seeking, refugee and migrant backgrounds in Lambeth will get extra support around key academic subjects at three schools in the borough from the autumn term.
Lambeth LGBTQ+ changemakers: Marc Thompson For Marc Thompson, campaigning for HIV prevention and sharing memories of of Black LGBTQ+ people partying are both parts of 30+ years of activism in Lambeth.
Accredited Living Wage Employers: Esports Youth Club With the cost of consoles, WiFi and games excluding many young people from gaming, Esports Youth Club provide a free-to-use high-tech streaming studio at Pop Brixton – and know...