All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Lambeth: Ambitious second year of house building programme The council’s plans were first set out in March 2024, the first year of the New Homes Programme (NHP). A... More »
Lambeth: City Hall announces new funding to support survivors of domestic abuse The Mayor of London visited Brixton to hear about Lambeth Council's work to tackle violence and women and girls and announce new funding for the capital
Lambeth to install new electric charge points and take control of the borough’s charging network Lambeth Council has announced an expansion of its Electric Vehicle (EV) charging points network and will take responsibility for the existing network from Monday 17 March.
Lambeth Libraries named as “book BAFTAs” finalists Lambeth Libraries have been shortlisted for a national award celebrating outstanding contributions made by libraries to the local communities they serve.
Talking Age-Friendly communication and skills in Lambeth Age Friendly Lambeth is part of a worldwide movement to raise the voice of older residents and the importance of ageing well.
Lambeth: Lobbying to tackle the housing crisis Calls for national action to bring more empty homes into use issued during National Empty Homes Week
Cycle Sisters empowering women to get cycling in Lambeth Cycle Sisters is a local group of women who volunteer their time to help women in Lambeth feel empowered to cycle.
Lambeth Council proposes new Healthy Neighbourhood for Kennington Lambeth Council plans to trial a Kennington Triangle Healthy Neighbourhood to reduce road danger, improve air quality and make the area more pleasant as a place to live.