All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Get help taking your life back on No Smoking Day As well as the health benefits, the average smoker can save almost £50 a week by quitting. No Smoking Day is the perfect time to find help to stop...
Lambeth: Landmark deal agreed with hotel operator for ex-council offices Lambeth Council has agreed that its former office block in a high-profile Vauxhall location will be rented to a hotel operator.
Statement: Murder investigation launched after Stockwell fatality Cllr Dr Mahamed Hashi, Lambeth’s Cabinet Member for Safer Communities, has highlighted the tragic impact of the fatal shooting in Stockwell
Lambeth: Apply to create your own neighbourhood parklet Lambeth Council is inviting residents to be community parklet keepers to help make their neighbourhoods more pleasant and sustainable places.
National Offer Day 2025: Lambeth secondary schools offer a place to every child Every child in Lambeth whose application was on time, has received an offer of a secondary school place.
Lambeth exhibition on the birth of British circus Lambeth’s Astley’s Amphitheatre is widely recognised as the origin of a circus tradition that continues to this day. A new exhibition in Lambeth Archives tells the circus story.
Lambeth: Councillors meet to thrash out vital budget plans All Lambeth’s councillors will meet next week to debate proposals for setting a balanced budget, in the face of “the worst funding crisis that the council has ever faced”.
Brand new council homes ready for Lambeth residents The development of 31 new homes includes social rent one and two-bedroom apartments, as well as accessible and much-needed larger... More »