All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Major Public Realm Improvements Planned for Streatham Hill Low Traffic Neighbourhood Lambeth Council is implementing permanent upgrades to the Streatham Hill Low Traffic Neighbourhood.
Housing regulator finds Lambeth Council on path to improvement The council welcomes Regulator of Social Housing judgement which finds that its services as a landlord are meeting its consumer standards, but further improvements are required.
Neighbourhood improvements for Tulse Hill Lambeth Council is making permanent improvements to make Tulse Hill a safer, healthier and more sustainable neighbourhood for all, especially local children, the vulnerable and the elderly.
Greening the Grey: Transforming Hercules Road Lambeth Council is set to start work transforming Hercules Road into a greener, more climate resilient space.
Age UK Lambeth launches ‘MYHoHoHo’ Christmas Day meal service Age UK Lambeth is looking for volunteers and funding for their festive ‘MYHoHoHo’ campaign, hoping to bring Christmas meals, joy and support to older people in the borough.
Major New Sustainable Drainage Scheme set for Tulse Hill Lambeth Council has approved a Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SuDS) in Tulse Hill to reduce the risk of surface water flooding across the borough.
Major £5.3m investment in road and pavement resurfacing Lambeth Council is investing over £5 million to improve and upgrade dozens of roads and footways across the borough to make them safer for all road users.
Carers Rights Day – find out about support, health and wellbeing in Lambeth If you regularly support a family member, friend, or neighbour who couldn’t manage without you, you are a carer. Meet other carers, and discover the support and resources...