All posts in Community Safety Read about how Lambeth council is ensuring our borough is a place where everyone feels safe and welcome. Whether you live, work, or just pass through Lambeth, the council and our community and partners are committed to supporting safe and cohesive communities.
Cycle Sisters empowering women to get cycling in Lambeth Cycle Sisters is a local group of women who volunteer their time to help women in Lambeth feel empowered to cycle.
Lambeth welcomes extra protection for abortion clinics Lambeth Council has welcomed new “buffer zones”, set up to protect patients and staff from harassment while accessing abortion services across the country.
New safe havens in Lambeth launched Lambeth now has a list of safe spaces in the borough where people who feel unsafe when out can get help.
Lambeth Council statement: Met police firearms officer’s trial concludes The Leader of Lambeth Council has today issued a statement following acquittal of a Met police firearms officer who was tried at the Central Criminal Court for the killing...
Lambeth launches new licensing scheme to boost housing quality Lambeth Council has launched its new property licensing scheme, designed to tackle rogue landlords and improve conditions for people living in private rented accommodation in parts of the borough.
Lambeth successfully delivers programme to increase women’s safety in public spaces Lambeth Council has completed the delivery of the Home Office Safer Streets 4 programme.
Lambeth Council has launched a new youth focused digital campaign against sexual harassment and abuse Lambeth Council has launched ‘It’s Not That Deep’, a campaign focused on tackling the sexual harassment that disproportionately affects women and girls.
Women’s safety: London’s first cross-borough network of safe havens launched by Lambeth and Southwark 40 Safe Havens around Lambeth and Southwark have been opened to help vulnerable women and people.