A large part of this has been organised by the Loughborough Junction Action Group (LJAG), a group of local residents getting together to do the right thing to improve their environment. They formed the group in 2008 with the aim to improve the quality of life in Loughborough Junction for all who live and work in the area.
They have organised many events and initiatives, many in partnership with the council and other organisations. For full details of what’s happening in the area please visit the LJAG website. Here are just two of their current projects:
Loughborough Farm – community food growing project
The aim is to locate under-used and derelict pieces of land for food growing for local consumption and sale.
They currently have two sites; a large plot on Loughborough Road, and a smaller site on Minet Road near Loughborough Primary School that will be cleared soon. We are also hoping to start another project behind a block of flats on Southwell Road. Regular planting and harvesting sessions take place at the site on Loughborough Road on Tuesdays and Saturdays between 1pm and 3pm. All are welcome to join them.
7 Bridges Project
This is an arts led regeneration project focusing on improving the appearance of Loughborough Junction’s many railway bridges through art installations, colour, light and community engagement.
Starting with Cambria Road Bridge, artists worked with children from Jessop, St Saviour’s and Michael Tippett Schools to create wonderful mosaics to improve the look of the footway. An accompanying animation was also created by pupils at St Saviours School and can be seen here.
This is just the beginning, working in partnership with the council, Network Rail and other organisations, the plan to work with partners to improve all the bridges in the area.
Ways to get involved
LJAG are always happy to have new volunteers. In particular at the moment they are currently looking for volunteers with experience of organising events. If you are interested in getting involved or would like more information please email LJactiongroup@gmail.com
Alternatively, please see the LJAG website or sign up to their mailing list to get regular updates.
Lambeth Volunteer Month
We’ve designated the whole of June as volunteering month here in Lambeth. There are many wonderful opportunities available throughout the borough in a wide range of groups and skills. We will be highlighting just some of these throughout the month.
If you would like to get more involved with your local community or are looking for volunteers please go to www.lambeth.gov.uk/DoTheRightThing or Twitter hashtag #volunteermonth