Cllr Lib Peck, Lambeth Council leader, said: “Sean was very committed to the role, and his enthusiastic personality meant that staff throughout the organisation will have fond memories of working with him.
“His resignation is a loss to Lambeth, especially given the amount of work the organisation is currently undertaking. That includes achieving the outcomes of Future Lambeth: Our borough plan – the council and our partners’ vision and priorities up to 2021.
“There is also much work to be done on implementing the Lambeth Equality Commission, achieving Estate Regeneration, improving children’s services and of course with continuing pressure of local authority finances we still have significant budget savings to make over the next year.”
Mr Harriss started work at Lambeth Council in March, 2015 and has been off work since June this year.
Lambeth Council has convened an appointments panel to seek an interim Chief Executive with its recommendations expected to be considered at the meeting of Council on October 18. Once an interim is appointed Lambeth Council intends to start work on appointing permanently to the post.