As a part of the Child Friendly Lambeth Programme, which sees Lambeth working towards recognition as a UNICEF UK Child Friendly Community, Lambeth Council held their first event on Saturday 19th March in Windrush Square, Brixton. The square was very busy for most of the day, with lots of people of all ages learning more about this new and exciting Lambeth boroughwide partnership programme.
As a part of the programme, Lambeth Council are speaking to as many children and young people as possible, to learn what their priorities for the borough are. At the event, we held consultations with children and young people, asking them to answer a short survey about how we can make the borough even more child friendly. The survey is still available to fill in here.
At the event we also had excellent performances from Southside Harmonics, Young Creators, Somos Lambeth and The Boury Academy. There were also interactive activities by The United Nations Board of Significant Inspiration along with some engaging stalls such as BIG KID, Lambeth Libraries and Archives and the Health and Wellbeing Bus.
Speaking about the event, Youth Councillor Lloyd Danquah said:
“I really enjoyed my time volunteering at the event in Windrush Square, it was lovely to meet young people and parents who are passionate about their welfare in Lambeth. I’m also blessed to have met those from Child Friendly Lambeth who helped us out, and there were great people to speak to. Because of the effects of lockdown affecting social well-being amongst young people, I feel young people voices are the most important in order for Lambeth to be more open to young people in terms of safety and activities.
For the future, I feel Lambeth should do more on social media services i.e. Snapchat and Instagram in order to reach out to communities about any activities or programmes that are taking place in the area. I also feel this information should also be passed on to schools as I feel it’ll bring students from different schools together.”
Thank you to everyone who stopped by, spoke to our team, took part, and helped make the event such a huge success.