Join us for our exciting event!
This event is one of many that Child Friendly Lambeth will either be running and/or attending this year. Child Friendly Lambeth will have a stall where we’ll share information on the programme, hand out some merchandise and ask children and young people what their priorities are for the borough.
There will also be steel pan, musical theatre and Portuguese-singing performances, activities – including marble runs and bin robots – and lots more, so do pop by to say hi and enjoy the fun! Everyone, especially children and young people, are welcome!
Some of the programme’s partners will also be present to run stalls:
- Lambeth Youth Council
- Health and Wellbeing Express bus
- Lambeth Foster Carers
- NHS colleagues from The Well Centre
- Libraries and Archives
- Palace for Life
- The Bureau of Silly Ideas
How can I get involved?
We will be in Windrush Square in Brixton from 12pm to 5pm on March 19, 2022 so just pop by and explore all the exciting things we have going on. We would love to see you and hear your views.
If you can’t make it but have lots of ideas about how we can make Lambeth even more child friendly, you can visit our website: lambeth.gov.uk/childfriendly and contact us on childfriendly@lambeth.gov.uk!
What is a Child Friendly Community?
Lambeth Council wants to make the borough one of the best places in the country for children to grow up in. To achieve this, we are working with charity UNICEF UK to become a Child Friendly Community.
A Child Friendly Community is one where children’s rights and voices are respected and where many more people and organisations support children and young people to be safe, healthy, happy, and thriving.
It is important that we listen to children, young people and local communities to understand what is important to you and how Lambeth can become more child friendly. We want to give young people the opportunity to influence decision-making while increasing awareness of children’s rights in the borough.
Some of Lambeth’s children and young people have made a video to explain more about the programme, which you can view here.
Cllr Ed Davie, Lambeth’s Cabinet Member for Children and Young People said: “We are really excited to host this brilliant event in Brixton and cannot wait to showcase all the talent that children and young people in Lambeth have.
“We are really looking forward to involving all the communities in Brixton in this and many more events as we journey towards becoming a UNICEF UK Child Friendly Community. Do make sure you come to the event in Windrush Square on March 19, from 12-5pm, to share your views and speak to the brilliant team.
“We really hope you can make it and look forward to hearing your thoughts on how we can make Lambeth even better for children and young people to grow up in. See you there!”
Fiona Connolly, Acting Strategic Director of Children’s Services and Executive Director for Adult Services at Lambeth Council said: “We are proud of Children’s Service’s successes, and cannot wait to hear the thoughts and ideas of young people around the borough so we can continue to improve our offer to children and young people. We hope that this programme can continue to reflect our desire to put children and young people at the heart of everything we do while also making sure that young people and children in the borough know their rights, feel heard and can influence their future.
“We welcome everyone to come to this exciting event which is just one of many we are planning to hold. We are really looking forward to taking the programme further together based on what young people have told us they want and is important to them.”
You can see more on the Child Friendly Lambeth website