On Christmas Day, Age UK Lambeth will be hosting a lunch for older people who would otherwise be on their own.
Will you help us give them a Christmas Day to remember?
How you can help
Get involved by
- sending us a donation via JustGiving
- or volunteering.
We need help not only on Christmas Day but all year round. We would really appreciate your helping us to reduce loneliness around the Borough.
For more information, please call us on 020 7346 6800 or visit the Age UK website.
I’m Graham, the Chief Exec of Age UK Lambeth.
We’ve had a great response to our shout out for volunteers and dosh. We’ve nearly got enough people.
What we REALLY need is some folk who can entertain! We’d love to have a bit of singing going on, even some table magic (that would be really cool!), so we need to find some volunteers.
If you’ve got half an hour to spare on Christmas Day morning and fancy entertaining about 40 older people, then we’d love to hear from you.