This year….Recycle Christmas
This Christmas, don’t forget to recycle wrapping paper, Christmas cards and any additional packaging along with your usual items in your clear sacks or estate recycling bins. We can accept paper and cardboard, glass bottles and jars, plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays, food and drink cartons and tins and cans and there’s no limit to the amount of recycling we’ll collect.
Use your food waste bin to recycle cooked and uncooked food including scraps from plates, bones and vegetable peelings.
Recycle your Christmas tree
You can also recycle your real Christmas trees after Christmas. If your waste is collected from the pavement outside of your property just leave them out on your collection day between 4 and 29 January. Alternatively, you take them to one of the following collection points between Saturday 9 and Saturday 23 January. Please remove all decorations and plastic stands.
- Archbishop’s Park, Carlisle Lane, SE1
- Clapham Common, Windmill Drive, SW4
- Streatham Common, rear of Upper Common car park, SE1
- Lambeth Reuse and Recycling Centre, Vale Street (Closed Tuesday and Wednesday), SE27 9PA
If you live on a housing estate, please leave your real tree in your bulky waste area between 6 and 15 January.
Collection day changes
Due to the bank holidays over the festive period your collection day may change. If your usual collection day is a Friday, it will change to Saturday on the weeks beginning 21 and 28 December. All other collection days remain the same. Christmas 2015 bin collections.
Love food hate waste
To help prevent food waste and save money this Christmas, visit www.lovefoodhatewaste.com. You’ll find helpful tips on portion planning – perfect if you’re cooking for guests and some great recipes to help you use up any leftovers.
For more information on what you can recycle, visit www.lambeth.gov.uk/recycling