Southwark and Lambeth Strategic Partnership Citizens’ Forum
The next Citizens’ Forum for Southwark and Lambeth Strategic Partnership is on Thursday 19 May from 6.30pm-9.00pm. It will be held at Cambridge House, 1 Addington Square, London SE5 0HF.
View the attached Citizens Forum flyer.
What is Southwark and Lambeth Strategic Partnership?
The Strategic Partnership is the next phase for integrated care across Southwark and Lambeth. The Partnership is made up of local organisations working alongside citizens and communities. The organisations are local GP practices, Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital NHS Trust, Kings College Hospital NHS Trust, South London & Maudsley NHS Trust, Kings Health Partners, Southwark NHS Clinical Commissioning Group, Lambeth NHS Clinical Commissioning Group, Southwark Council and Lambeth Council.
Programme for the Citizens’ Forum
The event will include:
- updates on developments in integrated care, on how sharing information is improving care, and on plans for local care networks
- people from local health and social care organisations available to answer questions
- discussions on how local people can get more involved in health and social care in the future
How to book
To book a place at the Citizens’ Forum, you can:
- Email: acs-consultation@lambeth.gov.uk
- Phone: 020 7926 6397
- Register via Eventbrite at: https://citizensforummay16.eventbrite.co.uk