Alongside National Clean Air Day on 15 June 2017, we’ve organised a week of activities across the borough. Come along to one of our events and share your support for clean air by using the hashtag #CleanAirWeek and tweeting to us @lambeth_council on Twitter.
Sustrans visits to schools (Monday 12 June)
Children are very sensitive to air pollution. On behalf of Lambeth, Sustrans will visit twelve schools in the borough (six in the north and six in the south) to raise awareness about air pollution. Sustrans will travel by bike between the schools and present in assembly, hold a parent coffee morning, go on a clean air walk with children and other activities.
Business engagement event (Tuesday 13 June)
We’ll be meeting with representatives from the local Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) to talk about the role of business in improving local air quality. We’ll be developing an air quality information pack especially for businesses to help them reduce their impact and protect their staff and customers.
See the results of air quality monitoring (Wednesday 14 June)
We’ll be hosting a Love Lambeth feedback event to discuss the results of our recent diffusion tube project. There are some spaces but priority will be given to those who were involved with or volunteered in the project. If you’d like to attend please email sustainability@lambeth.gov.uk.
Games and bikes in Ruskin Park (Thursday 15 June)
On Thursday 15 June we’ll be in Ruskin Park from 12 to 3pm. We will have our anti-idling snakes and ladders game for children to play and a story corner where we will read air quality themed children’s books. If you’d like to come along please book by emailing sustainability@lambeth.gov.uk as spaces are limited.
Dr Bike mechanics will also be on hand to service bikes in Ruskin Park between 12-3pm. Just turn up, there’s no need to book.
Ask the experts (Friday 16 June)
We will hold a resident engagement event on Friday 16 June in the evening to answer any questions you may have regarding air pollution in Lambeth and what we’re doing to tackle this problem. We will be at Roots and Shoots, Walnut Tree Walk, Kennington, SE11 6DN between 6 and 8pm. Please feel free to pop in, no need to book.
Get involved in Lambeth Clean Air Week
If you have an idea for Lambeth Clean Air Week or have already arranged your own activity as part of National Clean Air Day, please email sustainability@lambeth.gov.uk to let us know.
Lambeth’s Better Air Campaign
In the run up to Clean Air Week and beyond we’ll be sharing more information on our activities, in particular on how you can get involved in improving air quality in the borough. Keep reading Love Lambeth for further updates.