Applications to the EventLambeth Community Events Training Programme are now open. If you deliver outdoor events in Lambeth or plan to deliver an outdoor event in 2020 then this training is for you.
Event Lambeth application process
The course content is tailored to reflect the EventLambeth application process so organisers have a better understanding of what is needed at each of the 4 stages, as well as learning about the new events sustainability policy.
Community funding
Attendance on the training programme will make you eligible to apply for the EventLambeth Community Funding programme which will open in December.
Best practice
The Community Events Training Programme aims to deliver a dynamic and interactive training that builds on and further develops the skills and knowledge of local community event organisers. The training will also share best practice with regard to community safety, sustainability and community engagement.
Industry professionals
The training is delivered by EventLambeth officers with sessions led by colleagues from other council departments such as Food health and safety, Licensing and Public Protection as well as sessions from event industry professionals working in the Security and Stewarding sector and tailored sessions led by the Met Police Counter Terrorism team.
For more information
EventLambeth is the events service of Lambeth Council. We work within the Councils directorate for Environment, and we work closely with our colleagues in Parks, Sports, Highways, Parking and Community Safety. Our aim is simple… to produce, organise and help others create culturally diverse public events across the whole borough which everyone can enjoy and get involved in as much or as little as they wish.
The training programme is held over 2 days (Saturday 9 & 16 November or Monday 11 & 18 November).
- If you work in Lambeth and deliver events in an indoor setting we also encourage you to apply.
- Find more about the training and how to apply on the EventLambeth website –
- For details of the 4 stages of the event Lambeth application process and a downloadable guide.
- The funding application will be open December 1 to January 13 2020