- Incredible Edible Lambeth (IEL) and Lambeth Council teamed up for a second year of ‘Blooming Lambeth’ Awards – with £100 prizes in recognition of some of the best garden projects in the borough. Some categories had more than one equal winner – including ‘Best community garden in a park’.
Streatham Common
The Community Garden at the Bothy on Streatham Common, includes learner plots for community groups, an education centre, and ancient mulberry tree, a fruit garden and vegetable plots.
Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses
We help people grow through learning, and learn through growing. We run a drop-in garden volunteering scheme, school visits, family events, courses and workshops 7 days a week. People learn about conserving the environment and wildlife, to appreciate nature and to understand organic gardening and food growing – and all in a very friendly community spirit.
Representing Lambeth Council
The Mayor of Lambeth, Cllr Chris Wellbelove, represented the Council at the Awards ceremony by presenting all the prizewinners with their awards. Each winning garden got £100 to invest in their garden.
For more information
- Incredible Edible Lambeth is an inclusive networking organisation, working to support local food growing, food entrepreneurs and food activism. Contact us and champion local, healthy and sustainable food for all. Membership is free! If you eat, you’re in!
Text & photographs courtesy of Incredible Edible Lambeth & Elaine Kramer