Community gardens for wellbeing in Archbishops Park

20 March 2025

Written by: Lambeth Council

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Archbishop’s Park’s community of gardeners care for an orchard, beehives, a wild garden and more – but also for their own health and wellbeing.


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Community gardens for wellbeing in Archbishops Park

Archbishop’s Park Community Trust (APCT) has been working to care for the park – and for its people – for over 20 years.

APCT was originally a ‘friends of Archbishop’s Park’ group. It started from scratch in 2004 when Helen Lees, the Chair of Trustees, began fundraising to establish a regular Friday afternoon gardening club. Then someone living locally and working in the NHS to support adults with mental health difficulties suggested bringing some of them to the club. He felt sure their wellbeing would benefit from getting active in the open air. It soon became clear that the club could be a vital resource for the local community –  so the gardening club started to grow into what it is today.

Word from the Cabinet

Cllr Fred Cowell and Cllr Nanda Manley-Browne, Lambeth’s Cabinet Members for Equalities, Governance & Change said: “It’s fantastic to see how Archbishop’s Park is fostering a positive connection between people and place. Through community gardening, vulnerable members of our community have the opportunity to improve their physical and mental well-being while contributing to the care of one of Lambeth’s vital green spaces—a place where people come together, socialise, and connect with nature.”

Caring for the park, caring for people

Nicky Buley, Community Gardening Manager, says: “We maintain different environments in the park – including a pond, bog garden, woodland walk, wildflower areas, community orchard and the beehives in the apiary. But our main focus is on health, wellbeing and community connection.”

APCT has just completed a project in partnership with Lambeth Council and Lambeth Palace to create new wildlife habitats to encourage biodiversity.

“Our weekly Friday afternoon gardening club welcomes anyone from the local community who would like to garden with us. We particularly welcome adults who have experienced mental health difficulties, barriers to employment, loneliness and isolation and those without access to green space. We work with people of all ages, all backgrounds, and all levels of experience – some people are seasoned gardeners when they join, but many have never gardened before,” says Nicky.

Regular sessions

Friday sessions support people to connect with nature, develop new skills and connect with other members of the local community.

“At the beginning of each session we meet to talk about what we’ll be doing that day. Tasks might involve pruning, mulching, planting or even woodwork – it varies according to the seasons. We then spend a couple of hours gardening. Our sessions are run by trained gardeners, with backgrounds in community engagement and social and therapeutic horticulture, so there is always someone on hand to offer guidance. At the end of the session, we sit down for tea, cake and a chat – a crucial part of what we do.”

More information

  • APCT are always happy to welcome new members to the gardening club and offer corporate volunteering opportunities. Spring is here, and there’s lots to do in the park. If you are interested in getting involved, contact Nicky Buley, Community Gardening Manager, on or 07735 501 842.
  • Archbishop’s Park is a Local Site of Nature Conservation. Lambeth’s Parks Team worked with APCT’s volunteers to create a new marsh garden, wildflower planting, minibeast tower insect habitats, and a long ditch to support hibernating reptiles and amphibians.  Volunteers trained in habitat creation as part of the ‘Archbishop’s Amphibians’ rewilding project funded by the Mayor of London. Lambeth is also reviewing and renewing tree stock as part of the Lambeth Tree Planting Programme.
  • Find a map of Lambeth’s parks and the facilities you can find in each one