International Compost Awareness Week is 3 to 9 May 2020. To celebrate we have 30 free compost bins up for grabs!
Enter the competition – win a bin
Entering the compost bin giveaway is easy: you just need to live in Lambeth and have your own garden, or access to a communal garden. Enter the competition before midnight Saturday 9 May.
Special offer
If you’re not one of the lucky winners, don’t worry! You can still buy a compost bin, subsidised by the council, from as little as £13.50.
Why compost?
If you’re staying home for safety, you probably have a bit more food waste than usual, and maybe more garden waste too. Home composting can help you:
- Save space in your bins
- Spend less – being more aware of the waste you produce can save you money, and there’s no need to pay for compost or garden waste collections.
- Reduce your waste and carbon footprint. 50% of your food waste could be home composted. Composting at home for just one year can save the equivalent of all the CO2 your kettle produces in a year!
Community garden
Don’t have your own garden? Try finding your local community garden where there’s a compost bin. If you live in an area with shared grounds, why not ask your housing provider if you can start a community composting scheme?
Food waste recycling service
You can recycle any food you can’t compost, using the council’s weekly food waste collection service. Get your free caddy and bin.
Top compost tips
- Keep your greens (fresh organics) and browns (dry organics) balanced – a 50/50 mix is the perfect recipe. Compost too wet and smelly? Add more browns. Not rotting fast enough? Add more greens.
- A compost bin doesn’t need to be on grass to work. All it needs is a sunny spot and a bed of twigs, paper or existing compost to get it going.
- Mix and turn your compost often to circulate air and keep it healthy.
- Be patient! Compost can take 9-12 months to become ready to use.
More information
- Enter the competition before midnight Saturday 9th May.
- For more information on composting.