A garden composter has the benefit of producing a FREE supply of top quality compost which has multiple uses including as a soil improver, mulch or plant feed and helps your garden retain moisture.
Composting bin deals
As part of International Compost Awareness Week (5 May-11 May), Lambeth Council is encouraging more residents to get composting with a fantastic offer in partnership with getcomposting.com. Residents can purchase discounted compost converters from as little as £13.50 as well as a current “Buy One Get One Half Price” meaning residents can purchase a second compost converter from only £6.75. There’s a range of compost bins and accessories to suit new recruits and seasoned gardeners alike.
Reusing at its best
Not only are the composters made to recycle your food waste, they’re also an example of re-use: they’re 100% recycled plastic from plastics collected by councils from reuse and recycling centres, kerbside collections and industrial waste such as old gas pipes, wheeled bins and car bumpers.
All Lambeth can benefit
The offer is available to all Lambeth residents (council tenants, homeowners, private renters) and may be particularly appealing to residents on estates who are not currently eligible for food waste collections.
Environmental benefit
More than 30% of the average household’s waste can be composted. Although many households already compost at home, this is a great incentive for more to get composting and even set up composting communities sharing the rewards. Home composting organic waste helps to significantly reduce carbon emissions and can be an effective and sustainable waste management method. The Waste Resources Action Programme (WRAP) estimates that the use of a home compost bins diverts approximately 150kg of waste per household away from incinerators.
For more information
- For full details or to order visit getcomposting’s information pages or call 0844 571 4444.
- For more about rubbish and recycling, food waste, composting and garden waste, please see the Council’s information pages
- If you don’’t order your composting bin in time for Compost Awareness week, don’t worry – the offer stays open. But what a GREAT time to start!