Young at ‘Art is a programme of free weekly art classes for adults; set up in response to Age UK’s shocking 2015 statistic that over 1 million older people hadn’t spoken to anyone for a month. Initially for older members of the community, it grew organically to include adults with special and complex needs (and their carers).
Safe space
Young at ‘Art doesn’t just get participants to explore and hone their creativity, it also provides a safe space where people can come and meet others and tackle loneliness and social isolation with art classes, a cup of tea and a chat.
New things, new people
The programme was set up in partnership with VGERTA (Vauxhall Gardens Estate Residents and Tenants Association) and is held in Lambeth Council premises – at The Carmelita Centre on Vauxhall Walk. We also work closely with Lambeth Walk Day Centre. One Lambeth Walk carer said, “London can be very lonely, and if you have a disability, even lonelier! A lot of people feel isolated and the opportunity to go out and do new things and meet new people in an environment where they don’t feel out of place or stared at can only benefit the individual.”
Annual showcase
We have produced two annual exhibitions to showcase works created by the group which have been received really well by the local community, funders and supporters alike. We are also very fortunate to be supported by GreatArt who match fund our art materials
Extra reach
Cool it Art celebrated its 6th Birthday in May 2019 and to date has delivered 90 different projects to inspire creativity in communities – from nursery school pupils up. Since Young at ‘ Art began we have benefited over 60 individuals in the local community with plans to extend the reach of the programme even further. The funding for a third year comes from Awards for All – one of the National Lottery funds for communities.
For more information
Cool it Art is a Social Enterprise, founded by Amanda Callis in 2013, which provides free creative opportunities in the community, predominantly in Lambeth. You can find more information about upcoming classes, patrons, funders and more on their information pages