The number of Covid-19 infections detected in Lambeth has more than doubled in just two weeks, the number of people in hospital has risen, as has the number of local people in intensive care with Covid-19. That translates to a local infection rate of 662 per 100,000 and 137 people in hospital.
The risk is that our NHS services will be overwhelmed and that more people will lose their lives has risen as a result. Residents who want their questions answered about the vaccine can use the borough’s single source Q&A about getting vaccinated:
Word from the Cabinet
Cllr Jim Dickson, Lambeth’s joint Cabinet member for Health and Wellbeing, said: “It is now clear Covid-19 again presents a deadly challenge. We know some in our borough have felt hesitant about getting vaccinated, but the situation is now grave, and I would strongly encourage those with concerns to find out more so their minds can be put at ease.
“Covid-19 presents a greater risk to older people and the vulnerable. By getting vaccinated and coming forward for the booster you are helping protect your older relatives and friends. The vaccines aren’t perfect, but they are the best tool we have to protect our loved ones.”
Local sites
In Lambeth vaccination site are running first vaccinations, second vaccinations and booster walk-in clinics, including at Lambeth Council’s Civic Centre in Brixton, Montgomery Hall in Kennington and Streatham Place Surgery in Streatham. No proof of address, NHS number or immigration status are required.
Several local pharmacies have extending their operating hours to support the push, while Lambeth’s Health and Wellbeing Bus offering both flu and Covid-19 vaccinations is out all week.
For full details visit NHS South East London CCG’s website or the NHS ‘Grab-A-Jab’ website.
Wider role
The council is also playing its role, with our Covid Wardens out across the borough helping businesses follow the restriction, local contact tracing teams have been activated and volunteer vaccinators are being recruited. We supporting our residents follow the current restrictions, which are:
- Face coverings are required by law in most indoor settings
- People should work from home if able
- Certain venues and events must check that visitors aged 18 years or over are fully vaccinated, have proof of a negative test in the last 48 hours, or have an exemption
From tomorrow (Dec14) fully vaccinated contacts of someone with Covid-19 should do daily LFD tests for seven days. Anyone who is a contact and not fully vaccinated will need to self-isolate for 10 days. For more information visit:
Cllr Dickson said: “We thank our residents for contributing to this emergency push at what is a difficult time for us all by following these restrictions and coming forward for vaccinations and booster jabs. Please work with us to support those who have questions about the jab get the answers they need to come forward. It could be a matter of life or death.”